Corporate Transparency Act

What can I list as a Principal Place of Business on a BOIR?

As part of the Corporate Transparency Act, Reporting Companies must list a Principal Place of Business. In simple terms, the Reporting Company address must be a U.S. street address and cannot be a P.O. box.

What happens if you don't have an address in the US?

FinCEN directly addresses this in the section of their FAQ.

In order of operations:

  1. "Primary" location it conducts business - If a reporting company does not have a principal place of business in the United States, then the company must report to FinCEN as its address the primary location in the United States where it conducts business.
  2. Where it receives important correspondence - If a reporting company has no principal place of business in the United States and conducts business at more than one location within the United States, then the reporting company may report as its primary location the address of any of those locations where the reporting company receives important correspondence.
  3. The address of its Registered Agent - If a reporting company has no principal place of business in the United States and does not generally conduct business functions at any location in the United States, then its primary location is the address in the United States of the person that the reporting company, under State or other applicable law, has designated to accept service of legal process on its behalf. In some jurisdictions, this person is referred to as the reporting company’s registered agent, or the address is referred to as the registered office. Such a reporting company should report this address to FinCEN as its address. FinCEN will understand the use of such an address to mean that: (i) the registered agent or other person at the address designated to accept service of legal process has consented to the use of its address in this capacity, and (ii) the reporting company does not generally conduct business functions at any other location in the United States.

Where can I find my Registered Agent address?

In Discern, you can find your Registered Agent address for a given state by clicking on the state registration from your Registration Status screen.

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