Discern offers digital-first Registered Agent service in 50 states plus DC, at the same or lower cost.
That means you’ll get Service of Process and State Notices via email.
You'll also get clear invoices and one billing cycle for simple reconciliation. No more searching for receipts or mysterious charges.
Discern automatically tracks the status of each state registration you have, so you always know if you’re in good standing.
Filing due dates are calculated perfectly using information about your legal entities (e.g. tax treatment, state registration details).
Discern knows when you have to file, and lets you know.
Discern customers take their filing time down to minutes per year.
When you have a filing due in Discern, it appears automatically in your tasks.
Thousands of filings can be filed directly from Discern’s platform. No more government websites.
Discern’s filing engine pre-fills filings with information used previously on other filings. No more filling out repetitive information.
Discern keeps an auditable record of every filing done on the platform, so no more wondering: “Did I do that?”