All Corporations, LLCs, Banks, and Insurance Companies registered in Arkansas must pay an "annual franchise tax", which is Arkansas way of describing an annual report for the secretary of state.
In practice, the Corporate franchise tax filing is typically handled by a tax accountant, as it requires detailed financial information. The LLC annual franchise tax filing looks more like a typical annual report, with a flat fee of $150.
Importantly, non-payment of Franchise taxes can cause a company's state registration to be revoked, and Franchise taxes continue to accrue, even for revoked businesses, until the business is dissolved, withdrawn, or merged.
Due: May 1st, every year
Arkansas doesn’t have a separate annual report for Corporations, but Corporations must complete and file a franchise tax filing each year. Domestic and Foreign Corporations use the same form. It can be submitted online. No extensions are allowed.
Like many other franchise taxes, Arkansas uses an approximation of how much business a company does in its state to calculate franchise tax.
The state provides worksheets to calculate tax due, with instructions.
Corporations without Authorized Stock pay $300. Corporations with Authorized Stock have a more complex calculation.
Calculate the percentage of your Assets applicable to Arkansas
Calculate your Total Capital Stock
Calculate your Arkansas Capital Stock
Calculate your Annual Franchise Tax
Sometimes it's not clear on the sheet, but if your Tax is late, you need to add Penalties and Interest.
Take your original Tax owed, that you calculated above, and add a $25 penalty
Calculate your interest
Calculate your total Tax due for the year, by adding your Tax, Penalty and Interest together